Cassie and Chase


It’s something special when your couple meets you at a brewery to knock down a few before their engagement pictures. It’s even more special when that bride books you two years out before she is even engaged. I can not forget to mention the fact that their vendor lineup was filled with the absolute best group of people ever. Cassie and Chase, what more can I say other than you two sure know how to get married. The way you two look at each other is everything, and the party afterward lived up to the high bar that was set by weddings before yours. Don’t believe me? Take a gander below!

Mom and Cassie walked outside together for a moment, and I looked at Chase (videographer Chase) and we knew we should probably follow. To witness a moment of tears squeezed from an embrace is truly a magical moment.

Cassie “The hairspray photo is your signature photo!” I thought I knew all the super cool hair and makeup artists, but here we are with Kayla and Emily! Click their names to check them out!

Toadvine Acres once again (the best unofficial backyard wedding venue ever!), and thank you to Lisa and Whitney for letting the couple use your homes for the getting ready portion!

Text book example of smiling with your eyes.

I know these were game day photos, but I have a strong suspicion that this is how Chase just normally dresses.

Got that weave in with the most epic big braids with a kiss of baby’s breath throughout. Absolutely breathtaking.

Told Chase that he had to look his best man in the eyes, and they both just burst out into laughter.

Making sure his little bro is picture ready.

How many bridesmaids does it take to do a last minute trim job on the flower girl’s dress? Well one has to hold her, another has to make sure that the cheerios don’t stop coming…it’s a group effort.

The very first idea Cassie sent me forever ago was a TikTok of a girl stepping into her dress. I’ve never done this shot before, and it was way more difficult than I had imagined. We almost gave up, but it took another army of people to assist in the making of this.

First look with the girls.

First look with the little boys.

And icing the big boys.

Love love love this bridal party portrait.

But not as much as I love the flower man. Sadly, I was not one of the lucky ones to get beered.

Mama watching her baby girl walk the aisle.

Token is my favorite best man, ever. That’s how he introduced himself to us, and so he shall remain.

First official family portrait <3

Literally stayed for one shot, and then zipped away.

I don’t know ladies, I kind of like this group photo a smidge more!

Just a little bit of leaves for an in photo frame.

Who doesn’t know DJ Hector!? Ashley’s girls up front making sure their side of the room is the loudest.

Having lights along the far walls makes for an amazing background. Also, Steve’s head was used several times as a natural frame.

Ever since Chase moved out, Steve has had to take out the trash himself.

Steve’s head again. Also, every single speech was amazing.

And again.

Children are not easy to raise, and no one is ever ready to have them. It’s one thing to make sure your little ones grow up to be the best that they can be, but it is another to have someone come into your life to help alongside you. Some people may look at a person with kids and say “Oh she has baggage”, but others will come along with a heart so big that their love encompasses all of you.

Happy birthday Zach! I low key wanted them to smash it in his face.

Ashley bent over with that cake all out. Not that cake, the other one!

This dude wins favorite dancer of the evening. Never seen anyone flex their flexy body quite like him.

Wedding crasher!

Might poke his eye out flinging that thang around like that.

When that music just takes control.

Brooke! Is that your son’s name with his handwriting tattooed to your arm!? I love it.

Everyone wanted it so bad, but in the end Courtney was the luck recipient of the bouquet. Thank goodness, because she fell flat on her butt going for it. I’ll see you on 4/20 next year girl!!!

Everyone was moved outside so that these two could have one final dance together before being sent off. The perk of having a backyard wedding is that after the sendoff, the party keeps going. I tried to say my goodbyes, but somehow I ended up with a couple more drinks. It’s my personal favorite perk of being a wedding photographer.

I have to give Chase (the videographer) a shoutout because he is retiring from doing video work. This was such a great wedding, and you are so great to work with. Here we are walking backwards together one last time. The runner up for sendoff photo was the dip kiss, where judging by Brooke’s face, she got an eyeful of Cassie’s downstairs mixup. Is this blog over? Just wait, these two granted me a gift that I have wanted for so long. Check it out below, and thank you for giving me this!!!