Here I am! I know what you’re thinking. THis guy is way to handsome, I should be taking his picture. While I am flattered, I am here for you, and I absolutely can’t wait to capture your amazing memories.


Some of my likes include:

  • Traditional archery.

  • Disc Golf.

  • Hombrewing beer, mead, and wine.

  • Poop jokes.

Some of my dislikes include:

  • Running out of alcohol.

  • Disc Golf (it’s a love-hate relationship).

  • Spilling food on myself as I am on my way to a wedding.

Anyway, back to the nitty-gritty. I’ve been teaching myself photography since 2009 which is the year I bought my first real camera. I have two degrees: my first is in Electronic Engineering, and my second is in Respiratory Therapy. In 2017, I decided to pursue my photography dream, and I started the process of making my business legit. Why would I leave careers that I went to college for? Well, the short answer is this next photo.

My daughter Mila, she is my world. I wanted to be able to create my own schedule so I could spend a ton of time with her, and I wanted to be able to have week long adventures as a family in the summertime (my wife is a teacher).

Family should always come first, and I can’t wait to capture the makings of yours!