Tanya and Edgar


So far, this wedding is the longest commute I’ve had to do, and it’s the first one where I felt I definitely had to book a hotel to spend the night afterwards. It was well worth it, and I would do it for this crew again in a heartbeat. If you have/had worked at Nanticoke Hospital anytime in the last few years then you are probably aware of the awesomeness that is Edgar. The bride is the slightly more awesome and beautiful Tanya who, without a doubt in my mind, probably would have let me shoot the wedding in the plain white t-shirt I arrived in. It was pouring “wedding day good luck” out of the sky, but thankfully we had a lull in the weather for formal portraits and the glow stick send off. This day was a day of laughs, love, masks, and shenanigans. In other words, this day was perfect.

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Covid 19 has definitely effected the wedding industry, and it was a struggle watching my brides try to scramble to put together their special day. So many people aren’t able to attend due to guest limits, venue restrictions, or some guest may have underlying health conditions. When that guest does show up as a surprise though, it just makes everything so much more special.

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Edgar looking absolutely gangster.

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When you see yourself in the mirror after stepping into your dress.

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Pearls. A big YES!

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No doubt timeless in her beauty. If you are so in love with her hair and makeup then definitely check out Wendy at Absolute Beauty

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A lot of people weren’t able to attend, but Ivan was all set for setting up a live Zoom for those at home.

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What Ivan was not prepared for was being the ring bearer. He later told me “When the guy asked for the rings, everyone looked at me and pointed to the box. I tried to give it to Tanya’s Dad but he told me I ain’t going up there.”

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This place was epic. Potomac Point Winery & Vineyard is breathtaking with it’s vines rolling down the mountain sides. Sydney, the wedding coordinator, was also super amazing with keeping everything well organized (by everything, I mean me).

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Smashing of the grapes, and drinking of the juice.

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Just kidding, no one drank the juice…I was highly upset.

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I don’t know what they were saying to each other during their first dance, but they both had the biggest smiles in the world in that moment.

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So they had three songs that I have never heard before, and I love every dance that went along with them. Two of them are basically three rounds of music that the dancers have to keep up with. After round two, some guests were walking off the floor, and the ones who stayed were dripping sweat. With that being said, my favorite dancer of the night is the groom who is a phenomenal dancer. I had asked him previously if he knew how to salsa, and if he would show me. His response was I do, but I can’t because it’s way to sexy of a dance.

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The wine cellar is huge, and the smell is just wonderful.

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When I was walking through this place earlier in the day, I saw this door and knew I had to bring these two back for this shot.

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I thought having a mask on would make it difficult to communicate with my clients. Without seeing my facial expressions, I thought that it would hide my emotion. After seeing these two I knew that was not true.

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I can not remember this girl’s name! Absolutely awful of me. She is the one who did the Janice from Friends impression that I posted to my instagram story during the engagement portraits.

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It was such an amazing day despite the rain. At around 9:30 P.M. they asked what time it was, and were shocked that the fun was almost over. There is no denying that time flies by when you’re having fun, and judging by everyone’s face it looked like hours were lasting for seconds. A lot of the guests that I was friends with had also booked a room at the same hotel as me. I followed them through the back roads, checked in, climbed into bed, and fell asleep. When I woke up I had a text that they were making mojitos, and they were going to drop one off to my room. First no one wanted to drink the foot wine, and now I missed a free delicious drink. It’s okay though, it made for an awesome ending to this amazing weekend with Edgar and Tanya.

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