Trey and Rachel


A few years ago I ended my career as a Respiratory Therapist to pursue my dream of being a full time photographer. The very first hospital I worked at was Kent General, and that is where I first met Trey. He was one of my top favorite coworkers because he was just like me. Rachel was a student during my last full year working at Nanticoke Hospital. I knew she was going to be an amazing therapist, and she also had an equally amazing personality. I instantly knew that when these two asked me to be their photographer that this was going to be one hell of a fun day. I was not disappointed!

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First set of tears of the day was when Mama Bear and her little cub were setting out some decorations.

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The makeup artist was the talented Rebecca. Her stories were absolutely hilarious and terrifying, and I give her props for setting up in front of the best lighting. Find her here!

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The hair stylist was Caleigh, and I can not even put to words the magic that she did with everyone’s hair! She is truly a sculptor. See more of her stuff here!

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Trying to get the Champaign open was a two person job.

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My first time ever using the dress as a foreground element. Will not be my last.

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“We kept seeing your flash go off, but we knew you weren’t in the suite with us. We didn’t know what was going on!”

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So much awesomeness to work with.

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The groom arrived to the venue literally 30 minutes before the ceremony. Rachel was stressing so hard. The cherry on top was when Bridgette spilled a drink on her dress, haha. Not funny for Rachel at the time, but it makes awesome memories to laugh at later.

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The absolute most shredded lineup I have ever encountered. I made sure I kept my distance on the dance floor so I didn’t get knocked to the floor like some rag doll.

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The epic bridal portrait.

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This is what 200 pounds of muscle looks like when he sees his wife to be.

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It started to downpour a half hour before the ceremony. Plan B was initiated, and it was still breathtaking.

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Spotted me creeping.

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After the ceremony, it was still pouring rain. We tried to do some formal portraits in the bridal suite as a just in case, but family portraits would have to be outside due to the sheer magnitude. Luckily we caught a break, and we knocked them out on schedule.

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Carrying his bride so she wouldn’t get her dress dirty. We managed to keep it absolutely pristine…that didn’t stop it from getting absolutely black on the bottom during the dancing though. You’ll see that later.

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First dance.

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Wanted to do something different for the rings. I destroyed a cupcake for this, but it was so worth it.

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Caught a break in the overcast sky, and actually got a sunset.

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Bartender, pour me a drink.

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I really like the trend of having all the mothers and sons, and fathers and daughters join in on the dance. The groom’s mama had a lot of sons to embrace her.

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Definitely my favorite dressed guests of the night.

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Cake hulk smash!

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Get this goddess a throne of the finest men. They did an anniversary dance right after, and gave the BOUQUET and garter away to the longest married couple. Trey’s mom and pop.

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Earlier in the day she asked me “Should I smile at you when you take pics of me?” I told her “If you catch me taking a pic of you, you can totally smile if you want.”

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These spontaneous “alone on the dance floor but there are people actually around you” photos are super hard to take. The lighting has to be on point, and no one can drift into it and cast a shadow on who I want to highlight.

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Everyone had so much fun. There were so many smiles. People probably had to deal with a hangover, and sore cheeks the next day.

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Probably my absolute favorite candid guest photo of the night.

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I used to work with Mike at Kent General as well. Funny story, there were two Mike’s when this one got hired.

Everyone said “Why don’t we call the new Mike, Mike 1, and the other one Mike 2.”

Mike 2 was like “What! I should be Mike 1!”

Good times.

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My favorite dancers of the night are these two on the right. Everyone sitting in the chairs all night missed out on awesomeness.

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Dance like no one’s watching. The bride is the super obvious one, but I’d also like to point out the booty pop to the left.

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It was raining! We don’t need the sprinkle on!

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I’m a sucker for twirling. Anyways', here is the photo you have all been waiting for! What I love about these guys is that they weren’t afraid to have fun, let loose, make faces, and enjoy the night. If the bride was worried about keeping her dress pristine for the box under her bed, then she would not have torn apart the dance floor. It’s weddings like these that make me absolutely love my job!

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