Maria and Ryan


It feels so good to be back! This wedding would have been the one to end my Spring, but the craziness has changed everyone’s plans. Maria and Ryan’s big day has now been upgraded to my second full wedding of the year. I can’t imagine the stress of having to book a different venue on a different date, and make sure all your vendors are still able to take part. These guys did it though and as you will see, everyone still had a blast. I will give a shout out to Maria and all the other hospital employees. I had my mask on all day, and I am just thankful I brought more than one. Without any further delay, the beautiful Maria and the hilarious Ryan.

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Mama and daughter getting done up at the same time. I’ve always wanted to get a shot like this, but the timing has never lined up until now.

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I hope bringing your dog to your wedding catches on as a trend. Bonus points if they are also co-flower girl.

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The in-between moments when I try to instruct them, but no one understands me because of my mask.

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Went outside to check out the venue grounds, and spotted the groom coming back from fishing with two of his groomsmen. I asked if I could take a pic of them while they had their shirts off to capture the rawness, and then this magic unfolded before my eyes.

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Mother of the Groom caught me sneaking.

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When the flower girl sees the Bride.

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So on my Facebook, I could not help but post a photo as a sneak peek to this sneak peek. It’s just been so long! I chose not to include it in here though because the stairs had plenty of others to choose from.

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See what I mean ;)

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I showed them this pic after I took it, and they said “We look like we could be a painting!”

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Note and present from the soon to be hubby.

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When Grandma catches a glimpse of the Bride.

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There was a full wedding party, but they only had the Maid of Honor and one Bridesmaid with the flowers girls do the walk.

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And mid walk there was a potty break.

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Everyone’s favorite part.

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“Come on guys, make some noise!”

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Probably my favorite wide angle shot of all time.

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She got a little bit of the feels during the ceremony.

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I absolutely loved this. After the first kiss, they just broke out into giggles.

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And after they walked back, Ryan could not stop telling Maria how beautiful she was.

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Sorry guys, you made me take part in your formal portraits so that’s the one I am posting. I expect each of you to print this on a canvas for the fireplace.

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They were silly and I loved it.

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Take a minute before you continue on. There is to much perfection in this couple so I totally understand if you need an intermission.

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One of the venue people came up to us in a golf cart, and asked if we wanted some beach pics. Of course we agreed. There was this little rock jetty that I instantly wanted to use, and I slipped on the very first rock I stepped on. I didn’t fall, but Luckily these two are more graceful.

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Rings in a bowl of chocolates.

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That look, swoon!

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The master behind the hair is the owner of Beauty For Ashes, Tracy. The master behind the makeup was her very own daughter Brittany. They have so many talented girls there, and one talented guy.

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These girls were melting hearts on the dance floor.

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Top Hat Entertainment kept the party going!

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Groomsman “Do you want me to take my shirt off again?”

Me “Only if you take off your pants, and leave the tie on.”

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It was tough trying to pick my favorite dancer. I am just going to say everyone in this photo because they were getting it low low.

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These two trying to read each other on how the cake is about to go down.

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I will end this beautiful wedding with the couple slow dancing with their dog Willow. Despite all the craziness, these guys still managed to have an amazing day. I feel so honored to have been a small part of it. I was going into this day wondering how I would connect with them because my facial expression would be hidden. The love, and awesomeness of these guys were not even phased by it.

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