There is a special place in my heart for Devon. A little more than 9 years ago, she introduced me to Ashley, who is now my wife. Prior to that moment, Devon and I were part of an elite crew of individuals. This specialized army was the backbone of the Milford Dairy Queen, and we spent the early 2000s getting slaughtered by beach traffic. Less than a decade later, our little ice cream family went off to pursue other careers as the high school and college days became shadows of the past. Even though most of us grew apart, I feel like we still have a bond like no other. When I got to know Paul a little more during their engagement session, I had no doubt in my mind that he was the perfect person to stand beside my old friend in holy matrimony. Devon and I picked up where we left off, and it was like Paul was a part of the DQ family. As I gazed upon these two beautiful individuals through my camera, I could see a love like no other (of course it was slightly blurry due to the tears, but I still saw it). With that, I welcome you to the beauty that is Devon and Paul.