Lauren and Colby


Their engagement session was the coldest day I had to photograph someone, and their wedding day was the hottest I’ve experienced in May. Despite those extremes, I would not change a single thing. It was actually super difficult for me to narrow down the photos in this blog. The daughters were constantly doing things that made me laugh, the vendors for the evening were absolute all-stars, and the amount of beer offered to me was more than my heart could ever desire. Some old friends were guests, and I feel like I left this wedding with a handful of new ones. Alright, I can’t wait for you guys to see these!

I was there for 30 minutes, and in that time frame I had already experienced two random acts of dance.

I thought Colby’s daughter was going to be the shyest of the bunch, but all the girls were equally outgoing.

Jenny from Bombshell Beauty Bar was cooking up some amazing hairstyles. Also, your new makeup artist fits the branding so I hope you keep her! These guys are the whole package though. Sometimes they will bartend the event, and sometimes they will cater.

Best wrist tan line ever. Also the last person to take off her hair tie.

Literally one second after every photo, their robes would be discarded onto the floor somewhere.

Making sure the new girl is up to par.

Joe Deer-tay…

“Don’t try to church it up son, don’t you mean Joe Dirt.”

“Oh honey!” Testing out mama’s lashes. My regret is not getting a clear shot of when she had the lashes as a mustache. She kept trying to avoid my camera for that one.

Colby, I do apologize for making your take off your sunglasses every time!

Daper as hell right here.

My new favorite tradition is the Dad’s doing a first look with the daughters. As a father to a little girl myself, this is something that I personally can not wait for.

The oldest daughter took over bustling the dress duties, and made it look so easy.

My personal favorite shot of the day.

Second favorite..jk but this is my first well executed deodorant photo.

Just a little wedding mishap.

A picture of Colby’s late Grandmother was a part of his boutonniere, and as his mother spoke his eyes started to mist over.

Giving mama away <3

I’m a sucker because this has made me tear up several times.

The bridesmaid on the far left is due…now, and I so wanted this to be a wedding/newborn session. We had several nurses, a respiratory therapist, and an ER doc in attendance. There was also a perfectly good swimming pool if she was an all-natural kind of girl.

If I told you there were dozens of tiny insects in her dress, would you believe me? They surprisingly did not come out in the photographs.

An overgrown field with some harsh late afternoon sun.

Hey it’s Natalie and DJ Hector! You’ll see us come together again for her wedding in about six months!

The struggle was real…

Hector makes the dismissal for food into a game, and during this round you had to bring a sock if you wanted to eat next. A nice juicy 95 degree weather sock.

The most controversial moment of the day that I’ll refer to as Beergate. Who finished their beer first? Also, I love the detail of the beer spit on the one gentleman.

There were several dances, and the smiles and tears made them all special.

I can’t remember exactly what question Hector asked, but I am just going to take a guess and say it was “Who loves the photographer the most?”

I’m ready for you guys!

“We’ll get the car over there even if we have to push it.”

He got a little extra for punishment.

The Flash has nothing on Natalie’s speed in grabbing the garter and bouquet.

The girls would have been my favorite dancers of the day, but then this happened. On my way out we also shared a slow dance, and that slow dance would have been the most beautiful one of the night if the bride and groom weren’t there.

If you are on the fence about getting up lighting for your wedding, do it.

I can’t believe how fast this day flew by. These guys exceeded my expectations for a backyard wedding, and my only wish was that they ended the night by jumping into the pool.