Jessica and Skipper


Over the past few years, I got to experience several weddings where the bulk of the guests were people from Milford. Some might say “Man, I don’t know how you put up with them” but the people of Milford sure do know how to have fun. Yesterday, was no exception, and it was so great seeing a lot of the old faces. I say old because I haven’t seen some of them since my Dairy Queen era which ended 15 years ago. Enough about the group as a whole. I know you are all here for two specific people. The engagement session was the first time I met Jessica and Skipper. They wanted to have their session around Bowers Beach which brought back memories of pallet fires on the sand. I knew these guys were special when halfway through they made a pit stop at a chicken house to bring me a bottle of water. It was at that moment that I knew these two had my heart.

I am lucky enough to start off my season with a killer crew. This is two weeks in a row of the talented Brittany working her magic with makeup and Charley riding shotgun on hair.

I am always happy to hear picture ideas. This was Brittany’s, and since it was a reflection shot, I was instantly sold.

The champaign pop always creates awesome facial expressions. Also, I have to point out that these girls were so fun. I was expecting a quiet group with some country playing in the background. Instead, I get 2000s booty popping jams and jokes about giving their husbands underwear as gifts.

Easily the cleanest bridal suite on a wedding day.

The money shot.

What you’ll notice about Jessica and Skipper is that there is no shortage of happiness.

Skipper “I thought my vest was purple because I had to be different from everyone else.”

Skipper is not fond of nipple piercings so Sarah is bring her A game with the corsage. Also, this is year 4 of us working together! I remember when she was just a tadpole.

Is it Denise or Dennis?

Jessica has one of the BEST fierce looks.

First look <3

It is my mission as a photographer to educate everyone on what a shenanigans photos is.

I love this shot so much I had to do it again one week later.

Florals by Seaberry Farm, catering by Jimmy’s Grille Dewey, cake by Paula’s Cake, and the band was Mike Hines & The Look.

The big moment.

Skipper had to take a poop break, but that’s okay because Jessica loves the camera.

Sometimes you just have to get out into the open sun, and try not to squint to bad.

Literally one of my favorite spots in Vanderwende Acres. There are AC units every other tree, but at just the right angle you won’t even see them.

I’m sorry Skipper! The picture of you guys standing in front of the rusted chicken house didn’t make the cut for the blog :P

What is super amazing about Vanderwende Acres is that it is in the middle of a big field. A big open field means wide open sunsets.

Skip, Skipper’s father, started his power nap right about now.

There are two kinds of love. One where you just can’t help but smile while slow dancing.

And one where you just have to close your eyes and serenade.

You don’t have to be on the dance floor to be entertained during a wedding.

Skipper’s younger sister, Shanea, bringing back my DQ memories.

If you are going to air guitar, you need to do it with passion.

We have two hands so that we could hold two drinks. The double fist will always make the blog cut.

Got a snap of you snapping!

“On my wedding day, I gave my husband a handkerchief as his wedding gift…It was my underwear.”

The trick is to palm some of the cake so she can’t eat it all. This makes for an easy boop on the nose.

My favorite shot of the night!

Power nap over. Time to party!

I will give Skipper this. He has an amazing singing voice.

I just thought this was a pretty good shot of a conversation. I’d like to imagine that they were discussing how excited they were to see this sneak peek.

And Jessica isn’t to bad herself. I love when the entertainers create moments like these, and give me a heads up for a shot.

Shew, it was close for favorite dancer of the night. I’m just going to have to give it to Jessica and Skipper. They were on the dance floor all night with that same energy they had at the very start.

And here we are! I am so sad that it’s over because I knew this was going to be a super fun evening. Everyone here see’s no stranger, and I can’t think of a better way to start my 2022. I am so lucky that my job is to hangout with some of the best people in the world. You guys were incredible.