Caitlin and Ryan


Caitlin, Ryan, and their family and friends are people I never knew existed until this wedding journey began. After yesterday, I feel like every single one of them could be a person I could sit outside on the lawn and have a beer with. It was over 90 degrees outside, the humidity was close to 100%, and the question of rain kept getting pushed later into the evening. By the end of the night, everyone was drenched with sweat, Caitlin was still as beautiful as ever, and Ryan’s mustache was still epic.

Always makes me nervous when I have to have the dress set up outdoors. Makes me even more nervous when it is against something that might snag it.

Just a little kiss of light to isolate Cait.

First time working with Kasey Bonk Artistry, and hopefully not the last. Check her out here!

My mirror shot! Props to the Vanderwende Acres team for always keeping the mirrors spotless.

She does not need any introduction, but in case you don’t know her, this is Lisa. She’s at the top of my list for hair people. Check her out here! Or on one of the many other weddings we’ve worked together at.

As I was writing this blog, I was like “OH! That’s why they wore mustache socks!”

Ryan in all his daper deliciousness.

First look with the girls. Also, the girl who is admiring me instead of Caitlin won as my favorite dancer of the night.

First look with her man.

First look with her OG love.

All the beautifuls.

And then these guys.

Surprisingly, she managed to keep her dress completely clean during the whole wedding. The lace is a magnet for bugs and grass. You can take a moment to appreciate her gorgeousness.

The epic flowers and center pieces by Noblewood Florals.

Jonathan Allen Photography - Caitlin and Ryan Sipply Vanderwende Acres Wedding Sneak Peek 081521 (16).jpg

When Dad walks to his seat and takes the short cut across your dress. I think Ryan was sneak wiping away his tears.

Two in the pink one in the stink.

Seriously, my favorite thing is when couples whisper to each other. It’s just genuine happiness and shenanigans.

Trying to capitalize on florals at Vanderwende Acres. Wasn’t sure how this shot would turn out because they were right in a blast of sunlight.

The barn is a must at Vanderwende Acres, a venue that I’m sure you know is at the tippy top of my list of favorites.

Favorite entrance I have every witnessed. This will be so hard to top.

His and Her chugging.

Was positive we weren’t going to get a sunset because the sun was setting into an overcast and rainy-looking horizon. The last couple of minutes it peeked through and gave us the opportunity to squeeze this shot in. When I say squeeze, the single ladies were lining up to catch the bouquet, the sun was like hey I’m here, and I ran to gather the couple. Thank you so much DJ VO for calling a quick audible! Check him out here!

Loving the bridesmaid off to the side noping.

Then a whole group of nopes.

Everyone wanted a cake smash so Cody was the closest option. Ryan helped with clean up though. This literally happened in the blink of an eye. Brooke turned to me and said “Oh my gosh, did you get it!?”

These guy were a close second for favorite dancers.

Here she is!

I’d like to imagine Emily saying “You’re getting boob sweat on me!”

“You’re my bestfriend”

Confetti send off indoors was a challenge I had to think through.

Send-offs have so much room for error, and I was hoping to just have one super good shot. It ended up going super well, and I could not decide which one I wanted to show off. This was such a hot, sweaty, fun wedding and I know these guys had a blast. Throughout the night, Caitlin would ask me what time it was, and each time she was shocked by how quickly it was going. You plan your night-long party for a year, and it’s gone in the blink of an eye.