Clara and Drew


Clara and Drew’s wedding at The Seclusion now takes the record for the furthest commute I have had to drive for an event. The venue is in Lexington, Virginia in the mountains with absolutely nothing around, so the name is very fitting (no joke, the coordinator, Julie, saw a bear on her way out after rehearsal). From just over 5 hours away, Clara and Drew put together one of the most fun weddings I have had the pleasure to be a part of. I really have no words to describe it, so let me just show you.

Amy is a super amazing hair artist that came all the way from Charleston, SC to be a part of this dream team crew. Check her out here!

I don’t know what they were saying at the moment, but I imagine it was “My pinky toe is going to get dessimated in these.”

Meg is the mastermind in turning these already 10’s into 11’s. Check her out here!

See, what did I tell you!!!

One of the best Maid of Honors I have ever had the chance to meet. When there were questions, she handled it, and when something needed to be changed, she made sure it was changed.

I told them to wait for me to get to them before putting on their shirts. This was how Drew was dressed when I walked in.

Easiest way to get the entire bridal party to bust out laughing is to ask them to do a kissy face.

There’s one rule in Pillow Fight Club. No head shots.

Here’s my mirror shot I always try to get!

First look with her Dad and Brother.

Trying to hold it together.

Misty eyes with bright smiles.

Both of their vows were epic. Seriously. So many guests were putting their tissues to work.

Shooting a wedding at the top of a mountain with other mountains as the backdrop is something I could definitely get used to.

When Drew lets that curl drop down to his forehead, we all get a little tingly.

Vogue magazine bridal portrait, check!

My favorite moment of the entire wedding.

Second favorite moment.

This is another wedding where it was really hard for me to select my favorite dancer of the night. Everyone was just super good. Even the guys who had little quirky dance moves were good. Shout out to DJ Vance, one of my top favorites, for keeping the floor alive all night!

This wedding had a ton of time built into it, and the sun didn’t go down till 8:30 pm. That gave us the ability to do pictures in short bursts to escape the insane heat.

Surprise balcony dance.

Garter time!

Best kind of sandwich ever.

The Seclusion is lit really beautifully at night. I really wish there was a fast way for me to setup this shot, and take it at the top of another mountain.

With this single photo, how many people can guess what song was playing?

This shot is usually super easy for me to get…USUALLY. Clara and Drew were dancing in circles, and Kay was moving around trying to video them while I was trying to keep up with her. Worth it though.

Earlier in the day, I was asking Julie about the send-off, and she showed me the sparklers that were given to her. They were the little tiny ones, so I was having a mini-crisis in my head trying to figure out how I would even capture it. There were two bottles of champagne that weren’t used so I asked Drew if he was willing to let two of his guys blast them with it at the end of the night. I am so happy they both said yes. This is the most epic photo I have ever taken. Drew’s eyes were burning, Clara’s dress was soaked, but this ending is something I hope they will never forget.