Katie and Melvyn


For the first time ever, a Respiratory Therapist as my bride! They grow up so fast don’t they! I remember when she was just a little tadpole going through the program years ago. When she reached out to me about doing her wedding, I felt truly honored. I know for a fact that she is friends with a lot of top notch photographers so this really made me feel amazing. KAtie and Melvyn’s wedding was originally supposed to be next year, but they changed their mind and had it this year so that they could have November 8th as their date. CHanging the date did come with it’s own set of challenges and stresses, but these guys still managed to have a hiccup free day which is pretty awesome. Here is how it all played out!

The girls were ordering a round of cheese steaks while Madison was getting her hair done by the amazing Krista when I arrived. Check out more of her amazing hair here!

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Brittney is an amazing make up artist. Up until this moment I had never met her in person, but we always sent business to each other through Instagram. If you want to look amazing like Erin here then be sure to check Brittney out here!

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The look Madison (AKA Mini Katie) made when it was time to get her make up done…

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There is no time to relax on a wedding day. We were officially t-minus 4 hours from I do when Casey was working on the beverage signs.

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Get you a bridesmaid that looks at you like Emily looks at Katie.

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When a bride gets her make up done, I really love when there are no mirrors around during the entire process. The look on her face at the reveal is always priceless.

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I usually don’t take photos during this part of the make up process, but I really wanted to title this photo “Simba.” Sorry Jessica! You are beautiful enough to rock the contour only look :P

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It was so so cold outside on the day Katie and Melvyn got married. The wind was blowing, and the entire bridal party was shivering. Katie still looked like a hottie though! Also, I did not know wedding dresses could have pockets. I feel like that’s an amazing must have feature!

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Winds whipping around frigid temps at 20 miles per hour, and Greyson is still just as happy as ever.

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I dare you to find a more beautiful line up.

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Now lets turn our attention over to the guys…

Also, they were such an ego boost. They complimented my hair and my butt. I don’t discriminate, I take em where I can get em. Another also, I instantly knew these guys were awesome because as soon as I introduced myself to them they offered me a beer.

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I passed my camera off to these guys so I could help a groomsman with his BOUTONNIERE. As I was scrolling through the photos trying to pick out what to include in the blog I found this gem.

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Casey, when it comes to fireball, I feel the exact same way.

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Gorgeous, end of story.

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I love a bride that is all smiles down the aisle.

I did not know Petch was a wedding DJ as well! He is a pretty awesome guy in person. See him here!

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And I love the look a groom has as he is watching her…bonus points if a groomsman is sneaking a peek to see how his champ is doing.

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Greyson was front and center for every major event during this wedding. It really makes the best memories to look back on.

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Random idea I had, and my pitch to them was “Hey, let’s all pile into the girls bathroom and do a shenanigan mirror photo!”

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I usually don’t post photos like these, but I really need to point something out. These next two photos are literally back to back. It was dinner time which is when I take a break, and I snapped this photo as I made my way to my seat. As I go up for ice tea I see these two again and I’m like “what the heck just happened!”

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Within a minute, a few items of clothing went missing.

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Probably the best ring photo I have ever taken. Macro photography is a different beast in of itself, and I am always sweaty when I finish doing them.

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Close to the end of Katie’s Father Daughter dance, she started to gets all the feels. While Melvyn danced with his mother, I turned around to capture this intimate moment as she hugs one out.

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“Hey guys, I can totally take a picture of you if you’d like..nevermind I’ll do a behind the scenes to your selfie.”

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If your bride convinces you to feed her first and tells you to be nice during cake cutting, it’s usually a trick.

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Photo booth, more like kissing booth! Am I right guys!?… I’ll see myself out.

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And we are! My favorite dancers of the night. What started out as something innocent ended quickly as things turned to a heated battle.

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There you have it! This was such a short day for me, but it was so great! The room was filled with people I knew from the past, and it was so awesome catching up with each person. This was one of those weddings where if I was a guest, I would have had an equal amount of fun as I did being their photographer. It’s just so crazy that I get to call this my job. Katie, Melvyn, and the entire bridal party are easily some of the best people I have had the pleasure of having in front of my camera this year.

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